Monday, 27 August 2012

Non-Diegetic Sound Ideas

Non diegetic sounds
Typical non Diegetic sounds that feature in horror movie trailers tend to be big bangs, eerie sounds, added footsteps, tensional music, orchestra, piano, contrapuntal sounds and stabs. These non diegetic sounds are added in a horror movie to emphasise the moment of that scene. Music adds more tension to the scene because people get scared when there is a build up to a jumpy moment and so it gets us ready for something big. Usually the added music starts of slow and calm within the trailer then the pace gets faster as it goes on. A stab is one of the most effective types of non diegetic sound that is added in horror movies and its trailer, a stab is a short, sudden, burst of sound which is used to potentially make the audience jump. A stab is a crucial sound to have in the trailer since its one thing that the target audience always remembers.  Tensional music appears to of course add tension that matches the scene in the trailer/ movie, it just gives that extra fear factor that the audience want to hear and see, since if it was only dialogue, it would not be as effectively scary.
Tense music enhances the fear the audience feel within a scene that dialogue alone cannot achieve, and makes the scene more effective. An example of this is seen below in an excerpt from Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds". The orchestral music, specifically violins, aids in the building of tension before, and whilst, the protagonist is attacked by the Birds.

Our ideas

What we have decided to use for our non diegetic sounds are existing sounds from other movies and trailers. This will be an easy option since we would not have the high quality sound software to create these non diegetic sounds. We will use a range of sounds from contrapuntal music to stabs and tensional music.  We will use a range of sounds from other types of media like games, music and TV programmes. The soundtracks that we would consider using is from grave encounters, the devil inside, call of duty black ops zombie mode etc. We will also use sounds from websites that offer sound effects. All these would be added to the trailer to create a unique sound to it and effectively create a frightening trailer.

These are a few different sounds that we found on youtube that could be included into our horror movie trailer, because we feel that have that eerie factor to them. 

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